After compilation (npm run watch) manifest.json missing from the dist folder.
Workaround: copy manifest.json.ejs to manifest.json
hey, thx for the good project.
looks like Adobe moved the pages to this site https://developer.adobe.com/photoshop/uxp/2022/ps_reference/classes/document/
and they changed the structure of the pages…
In the Installation Instructions one can read :
"First time running the plugin [...] "
1. "edit start_server.bat"
_but this file is obsolete, now called "**deprecated**-do-not-use-start_server…
Setup Types need to be corrected so that:
- Panels and Commands should be keyed by string values (e.g. the id)
- All methods are optional
- menuItems has all optional parameters
- Additionally arg…
Issue in /src/pages/uxp/reference-spectrum/User Interface/sp-dropdown.md
- decode image
- modify data
- display modified image in UXP UI
- (optionally) write back to the host app
sorry for the wrong location of the reported problem
Serpent 52-g4.8.win32-git-20211113-f94c0da-uxp-eedc02ee9-xpmod (I also checked some earlier versions - same)
Help developers migrate their plugins from CEP to UXP by writing a helper app, a linter, a library, or another tool of your choice.
Hi, your add-on seems to work fine in Pale Moon, can you please add support to Pale Moon in your install.rdf? Extensions that are only targeted to Firefox will eventually not work in Pale Moon.
If …