I was getting error `Error determining zone_id: 401` and I was sure that I have credential correct. I tested few api calls on the other project and it worked. I compared your code with websupport exam…
When pulling records with duplicate key/hostnames, lists should be used in appropriate fields, rather than strings.
For example, when using the u_flattned_ci_rel table to fi…
Originally we started with Express generating a XML file that was uploaded to the CSE config page. We drifted from the process and now there is an unknown amount of variation in the configuration. We …
`%matplotlib` tries to activate the system specific backend (from `matplotlib.rcParamsOrig['backend']` and then remembers this. A subsequent `%matplotlib notebook` fails with "Warning: Cannot change t…
dbrnz updated
6 years ago
If you follow [the doc about socialauth](https://lino.readthedocs.io/en/master/dev/socialauth/index.html) you will end up with a non working setup, at least when enabling google OAuth2
thanks for making such apowerfule tool.
Due to myself, I ran the **bash intall.sh**, it has the ERROR: pytest-cov 2.7.1 has requirement pytest>=3.6, but you'll have pytest 3.0.7 which is incompatibl…
The dev-conda environment contains quite a lot of packages that are not directly needed to compile or run sage, but only to compile one of sage's dependencies. Since conda already takes care of buil…
It's great that you made a PyPI setup file.
Now it'd be cool to use it to install nervananeon on production machines.
But then why do we need documentation tools (sphinx) and testing tools (pep8, fl…
buriy updated
6 years ago
I installed pyEMMA (2.5.11) with pip. I tried the test case described here http://emma-project.org/latest/tutorials/notebooks/00-pentapeptide-showcase.html#Feature-selection with my own Gromacs…
Hello! I'm trying to run python scripts on my Raspberry Pi (connected to Pixhawk) through my Ubuntu terminal. I have installed the following packages on my Ubuntu using these lines:
sudo apt-get in…
ghost updated
2 years ago