En estas tablas se recogerán las diferentes propuestas para Workshop durante las jornadas. Los workhop se han dividido en dos tipos:
# Cacharreo (dedicados a aprender herramientas)
Título | Candi…
1. Complete series of training and information workshops
2. Facilitate monthly development calls
3. Create fundraising and grant management mana
4. Implement project design to grant managemen…
Right now we `ccall` many FLINT functions from multiple places, e.g. `fmpq_mpoly_add` is called in three places in Nemo; so is `fmpz_add` but that one also has two callers in Hecke.
At the same tim…
Operationalising the gemini principle using the [TEA platform](https://github.com/alan-turing-institute/AssurancePlatform): a series of seminars that explore how to operationalise each of t…
WDYT? Is this publication in scope?
author = {Skorobogatov, Sergei P. and Anderson, Ross J.},
booktitle = {Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2002},
aewag updated
3 weeks ago
### Authors:
> - Saachi Jain - saachi@stanford.edu - Stanford University
> - David Hallac - hallac@stanford.edu - Stanford University
> - Rok Sosic - rok@stanford.edu - Stanford U…
mark came up with a few visions and you can see those in the mindmap over time. the current one is:
We are working with learners & leaders to help citizens of Eugene open projects, improve colla…
I'm opening this issue to track the work to have a Bonfire installation, customization (and maybe federation?) demo at [Reclaim The Tech](https://reclaimthetech.it/) in May.
@mayel @ivanminutillo I…
If there's a lesson to cut, I'd cut this one. It's basically more ggplot2 tricks, which is great, but I think we arm learners with enough tools that they can get this info outside of the workshop. It …