i would like to send data to server, and receive process result, but i got some lua tcp socket read timed out error,
The error is as follows:
2021/07/19 04:05:33 [error] 134162#0: *383692285…
Does a mechanism exist for capturing SQL exceptions and returning the error message in a http response?
使用了proxy 功能,一直连接超时,下边是日志,就是显示已经走了代理,proxy IP: http://8ec525e5ed1f4586:30102906103665@, 但是超时,然后我实际测试了代理地址是可用的,测试方式是curl -x http://8ec525e5ed1f4586:158295654881503@…
I use Lua to build a WAF on nginx, but I met a problem that When I request a URI like "1.php?id=1%df%27%20and%20%271%27=%271"
The ngx.re.match throw a exception:
The "touch" command is used to update the expiration time of an existing item
without fetching it.
touch [noreply]\r\n
Would be an interesting feature.
So today we had a map in the map list in all caps while the file itself was in lowercase. Everyone on the server got kicked because our fast download server is running on Linux is case sensitive so n…
- Plugin Name: EmmyLua
- Plugin Version:
- OS Name: Mac OS X
- Java Version: 11.0.13
- App Name: IDEA
- App Full Name: IntelliJ IDEA
- App Version name: Int…
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