I am working on regridding a three-dimensional (time, lat, lon) xarray dataset on a global scale, using bilinear interpolation. Everything is working as it should, except for at the poles (latitudes -…
I am trying to run the bcsd example and the following code
>>>out = bcsd_temp.predict(X_temp) + X_temp
gives the error as below
AttributeErrorTraceback (most recent call last)
We are out of space again on our shared NFS filestore. Jupyter pods can't start
[I 2020-05-09 01:51:00.440 SingleUserNotebookApp notebookapp:1924] http://jupyter-0000-2d0001-2d5999-2d4917:8888…
For the notebook OM4_SST_Bias [here](https://app.reviewnb.com/m2lines/data-gallery/pull/20/),
Need to ensure the data coming from these sources:
ds_ZB = xr.open_mfdataset('/vast/pp2681/ZB20…
While containers (Docker) provide a profitable OS-virtualization and isolation for Cloud environmnent, the current Testbed systems lack the presence of an orchestrator for scheduling, managing, monito…
We should include actual atmospheric and ocean data in the repository.
You mentioned an high-res ocean model with an Open Data access of the simulation results. I unfortunately do not …
At our last CMIP6-in-the-cloud collaboration meeting (myself, @naomi-henderson and @cisaacstern), we discussed the current situation for CMIP6 archiving in the cloud. For zarr stores, the CMIP6 archiv…
Cfgrib Enthusiasts,
Earlier this week we (@martindurant and @ajelenak) published a [blog post about accessing netCDF4/HDF5 files in a cloud-performant way using the Zarr library](https://medium.co…
We should add a `gcp` directory in the terraform folder to provision Dataflow on GCP, so the setup of GCP bakeries can be managed within this repository.
From chat with @yuvipanda - "it just needs …
Note that using the github protocol (i.e. reading the file from the github api) works …