**Original report ([archived issue](https://osrf-migration.github.io/gazebo-gh-pages/#!/osrf/gazebo/issues/1514)) by Carlos Agüero (Bitbucket: [caguero](https://bitbucket.org/%7Bda8a8e89-4bb0-421b-bd0…
**Original report ([archived issue](https://osrf-migration.github.io/gazebo-gh-pages/#!/osrf/gazebo/issues/1252)) by Andrei Haidu (Bitbucket: [ahaidu](https://bitbucket.org/%7B825ae8d9-4737-437d-9090-…
It seems to me (with my limited insight into OGRE/ign-sensors integration) that all sensors get rendered sequentially:
peci1 updated
8 months ago
- 荷物を受け取って(サインして)、「受け取りました」と返事をして(宛名を読んで)、隣の部屋に行って、渡して、帰ってくる
- task1 手を伸ばして、掴む動作を作る。掴んだかどうか判定するプログラムを作る。 @Affonso-Gui
- task2 宛名を読む、サインをする(印鑑を押す) @itohdak
- task3 隣の部屋に行く(73A1;稲葉)(73A2;岡田)(73A3;…
Hello Nishanth.
Can we implement this simulation in Real robot that uses pixhawk flight controller ?
Hi, I'm a new contributor and wanted to get into understanding the various systems through contributing.
## Desired behavior
Update `03_physics_plugins.md` to include comparison with the bulle…
Hello, I've successfully connect the Unity3D with URSim with the IP address and it's possible to utilize the "Joystick Panel" to control URSim robot remotely. But the robot in Unity3D did not change i…
First of all I want to say that I think it’s an impressive job, and I wanted to congratulate you.
I have been able to run the code perfectly on my computer using the simulation with gazeb…
Change any parameter in the configuration files by command-line with an interface similar to:
r2p2 --scenario conf/scenario.test.json --x 10 --y 400
**Original report ([archived issue](https://osrf-migration.github.io/subt-gh-pages/#!/osrf/subt/issues/341)) by Malcolm Stagg (Bitbucket: [malcolmst7](https://bitbucket.org/%7Beee13832-fdd5-4196-aa05-…