This expands substantially on #547.
The goal of this ticket is to add an implementation of Andrew Booker's table-based prime counting algorithm to Sage. An optional spkg with the largest and densest available tables of counts of prim…
**书名** | **作者** | **出版社** | **索书号** | **出版日期** | **版本** |--
| A book on C : programming in C [(目录和简介)]( | Al Kelley, Ira …
Is this project still alive? Are there plans to accept the new API of SQLite and to allow updates beyond v3.32 of the engine?
I am using SQLeet in my project and it is good to know the plans of the…
quickcode currently offers geometric mean, sd and cv calculations. So it will be good to expand this area of the package to include a lot more frequently used equations across various disciplines.
**Date**: Oct 11th 2022
**Time**: 2pm UK time ([other times](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2022&month=10&day=11&hour=13&min=0&sec=0&p1=43&p2=136&p3=37&p4=771&p5=235&…
## Issue Description
In the course to find rooms for performance optimization, we are trying to go over the expensive calls in the consensus phases to improve performance.
This particular one …
### Time line
- [Maxwell's demon: Does life violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics? | Neil Gershenfeld and Lex Fridman](https://www.youtube.com/embed/eS0JXViv0cU?start=81&end=281&version=3), start=81&…
### What do you want to see covered in the TRIP Report newsletter?
I'd like to see an issue of the TRIP Report that explores the macro view of the rideshare industry.
Areas of coverage could i…
We use Shinken extensively in our infrastructure including some of the plugins ( livestatus api for example )
I noticed that a lot of the components ( especially the plugins ) haven't had any…