_The following peer review was solicited as part of the Distill review process. The review was formatted by the editor to help with readability._
_**The reviewer chose to waive anonymity.** Distill…
I would like to dynamically load **vega-embed** and all its dependencies (vega and vega-lite, which themselves depend on d3, etc.) using the **RequireJS** library. From previous discussions (see h…
Alok- great work! Please see my edits below. Many of my edits overlap with your other README.
- “Big Data Exploration (Stats, Visualization and Dimensionality reduction) and Preparation (cleaning, …
# Objective
Allow users to create custom syntax that is compiled down to TypeScript (and then js) and is type checked by the typescript compiler.
Use Cases: React, Space-Pen, JSON, others?
# Design…
The project is called this `dplyr` but what about `ggplot2`? Are others in favor of converting the plots to ggplot2 as well?
Easier to make multivariable plots
Default look is a lot more th…
From https://github.com/altair-viz/altair/issues/619, the base axis of bar have zero=true by default too.
For example:
"$schema": "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v2.json",
Hello, and thanks for the beautiful package.
I followed the instructions here: [layered charts](https://github.com/ellisonbg/altair/blob/master/altair/notebooks/07-LayeredCharts.ipynb)
I even copie…
I am developing a proof of concept where I try to build a graphic editor for different graphical languages (UML, BPEL, ...) where the editor is agnostic about the language used (it only knows t…
I get something else than my usual map, when I do this, with bqplot-0.11.0+Jupyterlab-0.33.2:
# ipyleaflet (javascript library usage)
from ipyleaflet import (
Map, Marker, TileLayer, Imag…