This program
class Malita {
var noInicializada
method falla() {
return noInicializada + 3
method fallaDeNuevo() {
return 1 / 0
When you send in REPL this me…
Another issue while still trying to find the root cause of the error on my example..
This one seems pretty basic
object booleanConditionError {
method m() {
return rules.a()
The executable file used to have a custom icon. Now that icon is gone and the standard eclipse icon is displayed instead.
Currently our wizards don't show any description at the top of the window.
Compare attachments (disregard the %name, it's just part of i18nization)
![screen shot 2015-05-23 at 10 56 34](https://cloud…
When importing objects from a different package, they are not resolved:
At the same ti…
See here
catch = _ 'catch' __ variable:variable _ type:(':' _ qualifiedName)? _ handler:blockOrSentence { return Catch(variable,type?type[2]:undefined)(...handler) }
I think that there…
It's not useful to get a set as a result of a map, it's more logical to get a list to ensure duplicates are included. To me this is invalid (the collection returned by juegos() is a set of 2 objects):…
I see this stacktrace in the Static diagram view:
``` java
org.uqbar.project.wollok.interpreter.WollokRuntimeException: Could NOT find diagram node for parent class herenciaBending.Maestro
at org…
Although make it disable by default.
Currently we are not even including them in the product, because, as it currently is implemented one of the plugin adds an extension point which always extends bo…