Add reCAPTCHA and temp email blocking at the time of account creation, to block automated account creation with the intention of manipulating reviews etc.
Please check - https://github.com/softprops/action-gh-release/
Reported by: **[uncoolbob](https://launchpad.net/~uncoolbob)**
Date: 2019-06-06T11:41:04Z
Status: Confirmed
Importance: Wishlist
Launchpad Issue: [lp1831884](https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1831884)
This issue describes several steps of the release process and an approach to fully automating it.
# Phar
Currently a phar file is built and pushed into the repo, according to the release docs fr…
What about automated releases?
Every commit to main branch can be a new version
name: release
on: push
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses…
### Features:
* microrouter redirect HTTP/HTTPS
* swaggerUI doc
* run testing for unit-testing, integration-testing, scenario-testing
* designed for dockerfile process
* automated CI/CD wi…
Ahead of my nixpkgs changes merging, I thought I'd try my hand at a script to compare against a "LKG" *(last known good)* of the platform/board binary.
Some quick thoughts/questions:
1. Should the…
I haven't looked into it too much, but it appears to happen randomly, so could be an issue with the hidden fields shown for antispam.
* zod for generating local resources that look appropriate (or bake in some 'golden' resource sets)
* Action results to a structured format (pull 113)
* Local testing from JSON
we could aut…
Use the War Thunder test flight debug mode to do automated testing
- [ ] If the plane's altitude goes up x meters, the energy needs to increase by 9.8x
- [ ] I…