Thanks a lot for your great work! I really appreciate it!
Is there any way to implement batch training?
Thanks in advance.
Hi! Glad to see the great work and code. I have some questions about the setting and hyperparams.
* What do the 'prune_graph' and 'mul_run' params mean, and when should they be used?
* Are the resul…
Im using CORA v2024.2.1 on a nonlinear system. I receive this error:
Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
Error in nonlinearSys/linReach_adaptive (line 303)
### Minecraft Version
### Mod
### Mod Version
### Latest Version
- [X] Yes. I'm using the latest Version.
### Issue Description
The game crashed because vinery failed to …
I have 2 anaconda environments in Windows 7:
- **env1** has jupyter lab 0.32 and bokeh 0.12.16,
- **env2** has jupyter lab 2.0.1 and bokeh 2.0.0.
In a jupyter notebook, I have 2 cells of cod…
Matters at Hart Bug
## Details
Matters At Hart (Sam Coe Companion Mission) - Mission lands me on the Landing Pad if I am using the Razorleaf. My ships are also currently bugged. Sam Coe an…
**Describe the bug**
Detailed list of exceptions can be found here: [exceptions.txt](https://github.com/TIBHannover/ols4/files/15130006/exceptions.txt).
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the be…
Fixes that are no longer needed or need to be modified for better compatibility.
### Details
## 🐛 Bug
## Code
class SAGE(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, in_size, hidden_size):
self.layers = nn.ModuleList()
Hi, there, could you please provide de preprocessing code for Cora dataset?
I am just trying to test the code while the directly downloaded Cora dataset isn't working.