Title: Logger Output Not Displaying in Console with dotnet watch run
> “When running the application with `dotnet run`, the Logger output displays correctly in the console. The issue only occurs wh…
Repro steps:
1.Install 8.0.400 SDK on clean OS(win11-x64)
2.dotnet workload --version / dotnet workload --info as below
I have tried to run `dotnet outdated` but it does not work on my computer.
I have **dotnet SDK 5.0.100** and the latest version of **the tool 3.1.0**. I also have the latest version of Microsoft.NuG…
### What happened?
This particular behavior occurs only when setting a Cloudflare record with a value from DigitalOcean reserved ip output.
### Steps to reproduce
1. Create a Digita…
### Summary
I need to deploy workspace that supports dotnet framework. It only run on windows so I prepare a windows host to deploy the workspace.
**Problem**: a workspace pod consits of the follo…
## Environment data
`dotnet --info` output:
.NET SDK (reflecting any global.json):
Version: 5.0.403
Commit: bf9d168ac2
Runtime Environment:
OS Name: ubuntu
OS Version: …
## Issue Description ##
Working on writing tests, and have a situation where I have reusable test code that I want to run with different fixtures (managing different user configurations). To manage…
Spike using official Kubernetes Client library (https://github.com/kubernetes-client/csharp) in PowerShell to access the target cluster and get resource information
Parent issue; #353
This is a sample blazor app i didn't even edited a character and that also happen why
> dotnet publish "C:\Users\Administrator\source\repos\BlazorApp29\BlazorApp29\BlazorApp29.csproj" -p:PublishProfi…
### Issue Description
There seems to be a breaking change introduced in .NET SDK starting from version 8.0.300:
During the evaluation stage of the build many NuGet-related properties are no longer…