It was interesting to see that you actually setup Github Action CI to build the project and run tests after each merge. Now as per our our API [documentation](https://github.com/nimblehq/nimble-survey…
It is my understanding from the page http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/, where I first learned the git-flow model about 2 years ago, that a `tag` would always be on the commit whe…
I am using now git flow in Windows, and when I try any command it takes lot of time. Even the checkout command which is very quick takes more than 20 seconds.
All commands run is such slowness tha…
If you have a forward slash in the branch name e.g. `bugfix/myfix` or `feature/my-new-feature`. It should be able to account for that. Git supports it and so does GitLab.
Would be nice if **git flow feature finish** took care of removing the remote branch as well (created with **git flow feature publish**
Per [project requirements](https://github.com/microverseinc/curriculum-react-redux/blob/main/math-magicians/project_refactor_with_hooks.md),
If you already use functional components, you can create a…
For example Node packages have version in `package.json`. You may want to configure some command or hook to run when OMGF increments version.
Once truly approaching a first public version, create a release candidate `1.0-rc1` using the git-flow mechanisms.
Could also create beta versions, but that seems like overdoing it...
This shall a…
В распределенную dev команду требуется **backend разработчик** для участия в **blockchain** проекте на базе движка **graphene**. Опыт работы с **graphene/bitshares** не обязателен, **все навыки, что о…
ghost updated
6 years ago
For example:
| index | git-flow | git |
| :-: | :-- | :-- |
| 1 | `git flow feature pull ` | `git pull origin feature/` |
| 2 | `git flow feature pull --rebase ` | `git pull --rebase origin feature/`…