We're exploring [PiPhone](https://github.com/LaQuadratureDuNet/piphone) as a possible tool for supporting "call your MEP" campaigns in Europe.
Can we conduct a risk assessment to see if this is a v…
I configured a DAT Lead notification and used it for the first time. It is REALLY wordy and uses duplicate information from the incident. The custom message gets buried in it. Some carriers do not …
* Vapor Version: 2.0.5
* OS: Mac
* Vapor Toolbox Version: 2.0.3
### Expected Behavior
Get query data from URI that has `&` encoded as `%26`
### Current Behavior
no value passed to request.qu…
As a guest user,
When I visit the root page and select “log in”
When I fill in my log-in information
I am able to log-in to my account and
I am redirected to my dashboard and
I am able to view all of…
Getting error on browser console
twilio-video.js:22574Uncaught CONFIGURATION_ERROR: Invalid value "BrashIsaacCucamonga@AC09a1614d63623449a5c6def171a9063e';.endpoint.twilio.com" for parameter "uri"…
I'm trying to create a server that forwards the call with the twilio number in the callerId so that the person receiving the call knows it's a business call (and to answer appropriately).
The documen…
I'm using the TwillioVoiceClient (2.0.0-beta5) SDK + CallKit framework to develop iOS voice app. But I got a problem: I used the app when traveling (not wifi). I used the APP to make calls and no…
In place of slack we're going to run a basic IRC chat room to provide the functionality of live chat to those who want it.
We can throw in a freenode chat client to a chat tab
### Description
Hello Sir/Madam,
I am using twilio voice call in my android app. It is working fine. But, I get "GENERIC ERROR" when i make call from **Moto G4 Plus** Device and whenever i get …