I've been reworking the `augment()` methods and it's rapidly becoming clear that dealing with idiosyncratic `predict()` methods is going to slow down progress immensely.
In the end `broom` and `par…
Hey folks,
I just seen that using broom with the lme4 objects does not offer the possibility to inspect the estimates for random effects. Is this correct. or am I missing something?
If possible a…
* JASP version: 0.13.1
* OS name and version: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
* Analysis: Bug in chart creation. Possible font issue.
* Bug description: Chart type displaying as tofu (empty square boxes).
* Ex…
#### Preliminaries
- [x] I have followed the latest version of the
[installation instructions](https://docs.manim.community/en/stable/installation.html).
- [x] I have checked the [troublesh…
selabl.cv() works fine with the example data, however when attempting to analyse my own: [data:](https://github.com/UVic-omics/selbal/files/2356569/my_data.txt) I receive the following error:
**Home Assistant release with the issue:**
System Health
arch armv7l
dev true
docker true
hassio false
os_name Linux
python_version 3.7.6
timezone Europe/London
version 0.105…
## Environment data
- Language Server version: v2021.10.1-pre.1
- OS and version: Windows 7
- Python version (& distribution if applicable, e.g. Anaconda): 3.8.11 Anaconda
## Sample code…
Error messages:
STEP 18: Run Bayesian Network Model on HMM predicted CNV's
INFO [2020-08-24 12:04:12] Creating the following Directory: TTK/BayesNetOutput.HMMi6.hmm_mode-sample…
Scheduled for some time in January
- [x] insight
- [x] modelbased
- [x] bayestestR
- [x] effectsize
- [x] parameters
- [ ] performance
- [ ] correlation
- [ ] see
text copied from https://github.com/jbrea/LikelihoodfreeInference.jl/issues/5
i think this is a better place for this issue, i took the liberty of copying your markdown post @jbrea
### ApproxInfe…