Doesn't matter which DFS channel i choose, it won't start up.
`Mon Jan 11 10:05:42 2016 daemon.notice netifd: radio1 (30219): Configuration file: /var/run/hostapd-phy1.conf`
`Mon Jan 11 10:05:42 …
I have been noticing wifi drops on the 2.4ghz network only on the 1900. Monitoring from the overview screen and running ping against specific devices confirms this.
The 5ghz seems fine, the SNR ratio…
Hi, i used to use ur software named "6relayd" before the openwrt(14.07), and i also can get the public ipv6 addr in downstream devices , and i am successful to go the web of ipv6. but today ,i cant u…
I have tested :)
In generally, except for these issues it is working properly. Issues that need to be improved:
1) Internal Vertical and Horizontal antenna not selectable not work how is it work?
I have noticed that we have critically low flash space after v1.1.
Quick look:
root@WEIO:/weio/www/libs# du -h .
51.5K ./ace/snippets
1.4M ./ace
267.0K ./bootstrap/css
21.5K ./bootstrap/…
Vielleicht könnten wir ja diesen Patch in unsere Firmware vorzeitig backporten:
Schön dass dieser Bug nach Jahren nun endlich geschlossen wurde. Habs eben auf …
Before making a Chaos-Calmer-based release we should look into getting rid of rpcd, which is a completely unneeded dependency of LuCI (it is used for authentication only in LuCI 1, but Gluon doesn't u…
I find it useful that the footer with detailed version info is visible on every page. Bootstrap has this footer:
Powered by LuCI (git-15.258.28302-30f6fe8) / OpenWrt Chaos Calmer 15.05-r46989
I've posted a question regarding configuring Extroot on Carambola2 a few days ago and I thought that maybe someone here would know he answer to my problems? To not duplicate content I'm pasting a…
刚clone了openwrt Chaos Calmer (trunk)官方代码:https://dev.openwrt.org/wiki/GetSource
git clone git@git.coding.net:openwrtio/openwrt.git
git clone git://git.openwrt.org/openwrt.git
cd openwrt
make menuc…