I am building a project https://github.com/bpavuk/catfacts-multiplatform-app.git with usage of your library, and after sync, there is only "generateMRandroidMain" task and its "commonMain" counterpart…
Currently the multiplatform plugin is required to use BuildKonfig. It would be nice to be able to use BuildKonfig in non-multiplatform projects as well, namely in standalone JVM, JS, or Native project…
[Okio 2](https://github.com/AndroidDagashi/AndroidDagashi/issues/391)のリリース時から将来的な対応が予告されていましたが、2019/07/29リリースのv2.3.0でKotlin Multi…
**What went wrong?**
Using the following to tag an image with multiple tags:
SAVE IMAGE foo:latest
SAVE IMAGE bar:latest
results in two different digests.
**What should have hap…
Consider this feature incomplete. Not fully specified, will not agree with another implementation. Mostly matters for the Verifier, perhaps a flag to ignore is needed.
See https://github.com/voting…
Please work on WasmJs Support.
As I see in the repo, I noticed the targeted platform for the video player, but I did not see support for web. Is it supported or not?
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
One of the techniques to consume third party SDKs in swift from kotlin, consist of:
1- Declare an interface in the kotlin side,
#### Bug Report Checklist
- [x] Have you provided a full/minimal spec to reproduce the issue?
- [x] Have you validated the input using an OpenAPI validator ([example](https://apidevtools.org/swagg…