I just follow the examples and when compile the app to my phone(android) and click login it says that.
Somebody can help me? or tell me what is the right configuration in the facebook console.
my …
I'm having an issue since my update from Angular 5 / ng2-stompjs 4.0.0 to Angular 7 / ng2-stompjs 7.0.1.
It seems to be related to the content length of my file that I'm sending.
I'm actually send…
Can we check resolution of an image uploaded using ng2-file-upload?
Any help is appreciated.
is there a way to upload files to ```google cloud storage``` using ng2-upload?
~ Marc
I cannot install the package via NPM. There is no npm package with the name "ng2-dcjs".
**I'm submitting a ...** (check one with "x")
[x] bug report => search github for a similar issue or PR before submitting
[ ] feature request
[ ] support request/question
I'm trying to add a button to custom action, but a new column is not added in the action, making the button overlap with the others.
settings = {
actions: {
custom: [
module compat with angular2 and/or rollout new fork `ng2-localization`
I would like to start early with localization. Research what tools are available for ng2.
can someone please merge this PR