It is often very useful to calculate the correlation between different appliances (or meters in general). This is fairly straight forward to do if we have the complete DataFrame in memory. However, I …
Let's see what else I have in my stash... aha, a statistics module!
``` ruby
# Returns arithmetic mean of \a data.
# E[X] = Σx / N
mean(invar data: array) => double
# Returns variance of \a data (me…
`def pearson_correlation(self, column_one, column_two):`
DOes it do Pearson correlation coefficient? Spearman? Kendalls?
There is a miscalculation in the test code `test_compare_taxa_summaries.py` that I discovered while working on pull request #1091. In short, I updated pycogent_backports/test.py to use the built in nu…
As it says on the tin: Apparently, the Spline Interpolation test provides worthless R-values.
It will be great to calculate this as well.
dans le test junit de la classe de recommandation j'ai vu un utilisateur avec pearson = infinity et qui a été sélectionné lors du choix du voisinage.
je pense que c'est user122
Implement Spearman rho correlation coefficient in a similar manner like Pearson product-moment
Potential to divide by 0 in Filter.getNormalizedWeightedScore