This is an auto-generated issue. The migration log is in the following comment(s).
Abegaz Abayneh Blog
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Hi there,
I have setup Job Manager for my client - a recruitment consultant (it's
excellent by the way!) and have set up a job form which the job candidate can
see online. My client would like …
adding comments to this package! please comment with the .hpp you will add comments do
christine - growth
Issues and PRs are largely unattended for months now, and the owner just updates README with [recruitment ads](https://github.com/leecade/react-native-swiper/commit/81dd7be33e437e301f4504e398e6d346b5a…
### Dependency
- [ ] #377
### Overview
We need to create a wiki structure and task list to support our RP18: Weekly Feedback from Mentors so that we can stay organized across all team member and…
Forking from https://github.com/Khopa/dcs_liberation/issues/823 since it's economic rebalancing rather than a part of the logistics system.
Make ground unit recruitment be based on a fixed amount o…
### Dependency
- [ ] need to recruit new team members to Access the Data team
### Overview
We need volunteer(s) to work on the open issues we have so that we can move the project forward.
Error - Audit Reason
Reason: Interaction has an Opportunity Key, but could not find associated Opportunity in the system. Please verify that the Opportunity Key is valid.
How can I create a new O…