I would like to infer my own data instead of tesing standard data(eg: scannet...)
Could you please provide this script?
I am having an error when executing : bash scripts/train.sh sit
File "./project/HUMANISE/model/pointtransformer/pointops.py", line 7, in
import pointops_cuda
Hi, thanks for your interesting work!
I can only find the captions and the corresponding point indices, but I can't find the corresponding 2D rendering images. How could I get them?
Thanks a lot!!
Since I found that the pertained checkpoints you mentioned was trained on 485 classes, I want to directly load the checkpoints into Group-Free-3D model and inference to see the performance. However, w…
Was there a speicfic reason to not evalaute on 7scenes and the cambridge dataset as they are often used in related works?
I may have successfully run this code's initialization step under the scannet scene0000_00 datasets, while after the initialization step, something wrong happen in the process of mapping as foll…
I trained a new model with this code tr3d in ScannetV2, but got 0.7048 | 0.8865 | 0.5540 | 0.7250, so I download released model to test, also got 0.7049 | 0.8865 | 0.5541 | 0.7251.Do you know wh…
Thanks for your excellent work! May I ask what would be the estimated time for the code release?
when I run the `generate_gt.py` script from bash, there is an error prompt:
(process_with_single_worker pid=2193423) scene0000_01: read frame 300/5920 [repeated 2x across cluster]
Mask2former model zoo provides mang pretrained models (https://github.com/nihalsid/Mask2Former/blob/main/MODEL_ZOO.md).
Which model do you use to produce panoptic label?
Thank you~