## Environment
- **Airbyte version**: 0.39.41-alpha
- **OS Version / Instance**: K8s
- **Deployment**: Deploy with Kustomization in Argo CD
- **Step where error happened**: Deploy
## Current…
## Issue
My app is crashing on start on android 12 devices i found this on crashlytics dashboard looks like something in wrong in react-native-firebase apps
Fatal Exception: jav…
## Bug report
**Describe the bug**
Using `getInitialLink()` or `onLink` to get the dynamic link info `utmParameters` in `PendingDynamicLinkData `are always empty on Android.
On iOS it works per…
Here I am again with new updates after https://github.com/amplitude/Amplitude-TypeScript/issues/178
It seems like even calling `init` only 1 time, it keeps duplicating the users.
Let me show you…
Code examples:
import { init } from '@amplitude/analytics-browser'
init(process.env.AMPLITUDE_TOKEN, null, {
serverZone: ServerZone.EU,
import {
I understand that these properties/functions were removed, however wondering if there's an equivalent I should be using, or if they're gone forever:
- the ability to pass `trackingOptions: { ip_add…
Our [`core.analytics.Event`](https://github.com/cal-itp/benefits/blob/dev/benefits/core/analytics.py#L47) class sets a `provider_name` event property AND user property to the (long) name of the user-s…
## Bug report
**Describe the bug**
On Android 13(platform version 33), getNotificationSettings returns `AuthorizationStatus.denied` in following two situation.
1. After the user explicitly taps `…
Thank you for making a great lib for analytics better!
## Expected Behavior
Normal events tracking
## Current Behavior
Getting the "com.amplitude.api.AmplitudeClient: Invalid API key…