## About
We are hiring a senior smart contract engineer to develop on-chain identity system infrastructures with us. This would include integrations with our partnering DeFi, GameFi, NFT projects, of…
## Missing Zero-address Validation
**Severity**: Low
**Context**: [`Withdrawer.sol#L16-L18`](https://github.com/code-423n4/2022-06-nested/blob/main/contracts/Withdrawer.sol#L16-L18), [`YearnCurveVault…
Is anyone interested in discussing how R can interface with existing data journals, or starting a data journal? I'd really love to see a peer-reviewed venue for publishing data, a RESTful interface to…
Comment below with a well-developed group question about the reading for this week's workshop.
One person can submit on the group's behalf and put the Group Name in the submission for credit.
Are there any good patterns for selecting a particular datum in a visualisation and then storing that in state in order to be able to transition to it in a story, or any docs for making custom templat…
DSA 1024 should be considered harmful nowadays.
in `src/main/java/bisq/common/crypto/Sig.java`, line 64:
Additionally, some code duplica…
# Lines of code
# Vulnerabi…
## Summary
For some time, it has been self-evident to me, that Livepeer and Swarm ought to work together more coherently.
This brief proposes a path towards an achievable minimum-viable-integrat…
Can you please add to the [Open questions wiki page](https://github.com/input-output-hk/decentralized-software-updates/wiki/Open-questions) following question?
## Current ITNv1 shows rather signifi…
The downloads are very slow from their site, the mirrors do not always work, and their google drive link is dead.