- [x] Run ingestion benchmark with varchar
- [x] Run Clickbench with varchar instead of String
- [x] plan to switch users over to VARCHAR
- [x] Documentation: Documentation should be…
- [x] explaining resample-on-load
- [x] introducing the block streaming interface
- [ ] how to do feature inversion
- [ ] how to make cqt's go fast
- [ ] how to use caching effectively
- [ ] why …
[*] Checkpoint path: logs/son_2019-04-27_15-38-46/model.ckpt
[*] Loading training data from: ['datasets/son/data']
[*] Using model: logs/son_2019-04-27_15-38-46
ghost updated
5 years ago
Postgresql: 63
Mysql: 64
Sqlite: 64
When a user goes from sqlite or mysql to postgresql, they might face weird errors. Tim proposed limiting all index to a maximum of 63 characters, and I think it's …
- [ ] Rewards panel: replace with `Ads seen this month`
- [ ] Rewards page: remove relevant line item and from page card
- [ ] NTP Rewards card
- [ ] Check for any other appearances
**Describe the bug**
Using `gpt-4-1106-preview` (gpt-4-turbo) seems to produce an unusually high amount of 500 errors. The discrepancy in error rate may be related to how we're calling the API (pos…
Consider the following snippet of Calyx code from [this Zulip thread](https://calyx.zulipchat.com/#narrow/channel/423433-general/topic/Circular.20Combinational.20Logic/near/479748231):
# bad.fut…
Dear Joep,
Because in the last time xsltransform.net is many times unavailable I decided to host my own version. :) It was not easy, because I am not a pro sysadmin/developer, but it now runs fine. U…
This proposal is about creating a way to create attestation tokens. Currently there are at least [two pieces of information proposed](https://github.com/RupertBenWiser/Web-Environment-Integrity/blob/m…
Enlaces con algunos trabajos que revisan índices de resiliencia: (to be completed)
- Ingrisch & Johannes (2018). Towards a comparable quantification of resilience. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 3…