At the moment, we don't convert publication dates to a common format (eg. UTC). This is easy to do in pendulum (with `.in_timezone('utc')`) and in arrow (with `.to('utc')`).
Is this something we wa…
* [ ] around the world
* [ ] trickeration
Using [PEP 656](https://peps.python.org/pep-0656/) for more specific/correct platform tags would allow for keeping an `--extra-index-url https://alpine-wheels.github.io/index` outside of the Alpine Li…
I am currently new to acados,
I have tried the pendulum example from .\acados\examples\acados_matlab_octave\getting_started and get the c_generated_code successfully, then I tried to transpl…
We need a better README which explains how to build and run project in development. I'm interested in contributing into this project.
### Describe the bug
While creating a dependency between two tasks created using `DatabricksTaskOperator()` does not use the `task_key` specified, but uses `dagName__groupId__taskKey`. This is incons…
The `InverseDynamicsController(IDC)` in Drake requires the passed-in multibody plant is fully actuated. See issue [13718](https://github.com/RobotLocomotion/drake/issues/13718) for details. When worki…
Based on the fact that the majority of Pendulums users are developers they are working on different project. For example I'm freelancer but I'm working for company which has multiple different applica…
### Astronomer Cosmos Version
Other Astronomer Cosmos version (please specify below)
### If "Other Astronomer Cosmos version" selected, which one?
### dbt-core version
### Versions o…
Please comment here with trivia-type knowledge related to Fundamental Kinematics. Eventually, generalized problem generators may be based on this information
The absolute fundamentals of differenti…