what is the exact formulas for calculating the parameters in gazebo model plugins and what are their units i need detailed description
thanks in advance
Currently, a calculated trajectory can only be followed with use of the PD controller. A new controller that is able to control every rotor by itself and corrects errors has to be implemented.
Peyje updated
3 years ago
There are no Drone options and no track options when I run the simulator.
A-Lep updated
4 years ago
Currently it's only possible to set the number of worker threads when starting the server and then it is set in stone. This PR concerns two features (might need to break it up later):
- Allow adding …
What does the method do? I didn't find it on the MSDK API website
There has been a discussion about whether this protocol should also be used by other small aircraft (gliders, small planes…).
The rationale is that they share the lower airspace.
Among the questio…
See https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/767155589637472296/1040848729583923220/2022-11-12_12-39-37.mp4 for demo
Gotcher fleet all spread out 'cos you sent yer light'n'speedy after a pesky comet and yer heavy'n'slow got left behind? Use this to rendezvous the ships in either location or system center.
### DB Selector
### Baseline
### Hypothetical
### Name
Hydra 400 Drone
### Country
United Kingdom
### Service
British Army
### In Commission
`getStorageLocationWithCompletion` is returning `DJICameraStorageLocationUnknown` even with a SD card installed.
I realise that this drone does not support internal storage. However other drones su…