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When running reconstruction, getting the following error
[2022-12-24 12:05:38.657] [JEventProcessorPODIO] [debug] Factory prod…
| Resolved | Merged |
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|![Image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5220316/226959819-21382f73-32e6-4cb7-8616-3646f569e686.png) | ![highMassLimit_spin0_2D_13TeV_2018_mH_2018_22m…
Sourcing the nightlies on lxplus and trying to run `ddsim` with edm4hep output fails due to:
Geant4Handle ERROR Failed to create object of type Geant4Output2EDM4hep!
Traceback (most recen…
After discussions with @orelgueta , we have decided to open this issue due to 2 reasons:
1 - It seems that the units for azimuth and zenith are not correct here (they are actually given in radians)…
I was trying to reproduce Pion HI decay at 10 GeV, Figure 6 of your paper. Somehow I couldn't generate the same scale for the colour scheme. Overall the plot looks the same; the scaling is different f…
In v487 VLikelihoodFitter is showing a consistent ~5% disagreement with the standard chi^2 fitter (VEnergySpectrum).
Dear experts,
My name is George Karathanasis and I am working on the dBF/dq2 measurement of the B->mmK decay for the CMS experiment. The last step of the analysis, is to compare the measurement wit…
It turns out that depending on the software one uses to decay the tau pair -- Pythia8, Tauola or TauDecay --, the spin correlation matrix can vary quite a bit even if no event selection cuts are appli…
As pointed out by @eguiraud, the bin labels should be 11 bins from 120 to 550. Only the labels are incorrect at this point, so it should be an easy fix
How small GeV values should we accept in the pre processing for the particle physics data? Some issues caused with the response for values very close to zero leading to responses of order 10^6 GeV.