Links to license terms in item record does not link to license text - links instead to blank search.
![screen shot 2015-10-06 at 2 51 32 pm](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/12801010/1034871…
If I deposit an item, I get the progress window ("Thank you for adding your research to ERA!"), which continually refreshes. It says I can close it at any time, but if I do it pops up again. It appear…
Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
In HydraNorth shows 1 collection out of 2
[See in old ERA](https://era.library.u…
May be related to differences in viewpath handling between development and production Rails modes, as it looks like it is working on plano:
Content of link to related item (dcterms:relation) not displaying. E.g., old ERA (http://hdl.handle.net/10402/era.38628), production (https://hydranorth.library.ualberta.ca/files/mk61s1894#.VfmdMVXBzR…
[Problem reported by Pierre Nault @ UQAM]
Both screens "Forgot your password" and "Resend confirmation instructions" display the English text "Email can't be blank" when field email is left blank by …
This may have to do with migration or the issues with merging the theses collections or other things and so may be temporary but wanted to mention in any case that I am running into a lot of 'we're so…
Probably a data problem. This collection shows no members: https://hydranorth.library.ualberta.ca/collections/wm117p010 . But this item belongs to that collection: https://hydranorth.library.ualberta.…
I hate to do this, but it looks like incomplete items that are sitting in my saved items in ERA have been migrated as open access items. Should these have been migrated as private items?
- [x] We need to index thesis fields (dissertant, abstract) into the equivalent indexes used by non-thesis items. These should also be in the general keyword index, like their non-thesis equivalents.