cf. my thread on CCC forum here:
Or is QtChess for Windows extra required: https://sourceforge.net/projects/qtc…
We are using ASYNC.
Currently we are on jetty-9.3.13.
When we run benchmarks we see a significant amount of ReadPendingException. So far I have seen 3 different stacktraces where 2 are originating f…
15000 games pgn file with depth 14 games played by ssj.
Below are games in which SF wins and asmFish draws or loses, or SF draws and asmFish loses.
First, 2 pairs of games in which SF wins and asmFi…
Salut ecrucru,
ton logiciel fonctionne maintenant avec **Node.js 6.11.2 LTS 64** bit https://nodejs.org/en/ ( .exe)
et anticrux-engine.js (paramètre dans la ligne de commande)
contre **Sjeng 11.2 W…
**Centreon Web version**: 2.8.4
**Steps to reproduce the issue:**…
is there a way to get it to work or does it have to be supported by aurora?
i have applied the patch for logitech (there is no patch for corsair? i am using a K95 with the latest version of CUE)
per convo on ML, I'm opening an issue regarding the multiple location header bug. I've not had the time to double check, but this may be a general problem with bypass and 302 redirects.
I'm trying to write unit tests for the following code:
``` js
Jimp.read('https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7454/9551387978_c3439d9e38_t.jpg', (err, image) => {
image.resize(3, 3)
This time I properly interleaved the chunks and we're back to our trusty sudden drop in MS…