### Feature Description
We maybe can borrow some style codes from OpenMapTiles
For example,
Dark style,
Fiord color,
tonor style
they look good for vi…
after yarn run webpack, got an error
WARNING in ./node_modules/ol/structs/RBush.js
There are multiple modules with names that only differ in casing.
This can lead to unexpected behavior when c…
When I compare the result with original osm-data after a import, I can see that there are many ways are nissing.
The screenshot shows a random area of the map. Green are the osm ways with the tag "…
# This issue tracks daily findings.
Sarebbe molto utile rendere disponibile all'utente le linee guida per la corretta compilazione dei campi, al fine di favorire la diffusione e la fruizione dei dati secondo standard prestabiliti e conc…
### Bug description
In R, if you muck up your `{leaflet}` provider, not only does the map not render (as one would expect) but it appears to break everything interactive in the report - incl. plotl…
# Current situation
## GHGs and GHG Intensity:
- Blue indicates "no data" but these often actually have data:
tomay updated
2 months ago
Perhaps this feature could be considered as an extension within leafem?
https://stackblitz.com/github/CartoDB/deck.gl-examples/tree/master/globe-view?file=index.ts is working nicely, but is missing the info box, like the other examples
While some layers can be hidden via the layer manager, others e.g. using the add_velocity method cannot be hidden.