### Short description
Feature request: Could you please add type hints to the source (and/or in stub files) and add a `py.typed` marker file per [PEP 561](https://peps.python.org/pep-0561/)
I have the following warning:
> /Users/adam/.virtualenvs/sybil-extras/lib/python3.11/site-packages/beartype/_util/error/utilerrwarn.py:67: BeartypeDecorHintPep585DeprecationWarning: Method sybil_e…
Unfortunately, DatetimeType is defined as UDT and therefore cannot be casted to any type in Spark SQL, this limits the most spark to UDT. But there is a workaround: the table can be read using Da…
python still don't have avaliable language server support inlay hint, hope pylsp can be the hero :smile:
fecet updated
5 months ago
I started a Request For Packaging for the F-Droid Store (https://gitlab.com/fdroid/rfp/-/issues/2924) and got a hint (https://gitlab.com/fdroid/rfp/-/issues/2924#note_2191242388).
Could you i…
Type hints (for use with Mypy among others) can help for writing sound code. There are some tools, such as [MonkeyType](https://pypi.org/project/MonkeyType/) which may make adding these easier.
Hello everyone, we are very happy with the evolution of each version of babelfish. The only problem we still have is the conversion of large bases. It's always a challenge. Would it be possible to imp…
Suggest adding shortcut help tips, now the shortcut only pop-up window, there is no other tips for some new shortcuts, suggest adding. It is also suggested that the settings can be displayed by right-…
Hello. When I am connected to MSSQL I cannot edit the view code.
Also the views do not appear as hints when writing SQL code in the editor.
- [ ] Edit SQL Code for views
- [x] View hints when edi…
Not a big deal but shouldn't be there after `sum`:
(code taken from [here](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/announcing-fsharp-7/#making-working-with-srtps-easier)).