Title: Search bar in Python
About: It's a GUI script
Name: Akash Ramanand Rajak
Label: feature request
Assignee: ''
Define You:
- [x] LGM-SOC'21 Participant
- [ ] Contributor
Given a directed graph, find out if a vertex j is reachable from another vertex i for all vertex pairs (i, j) in the given graph. Here reachable mean that there is a path from vertex i to j. The reach…
As a participant of LGM-SOC'21, I want to provide the solution to this medium-level competitive programming problem in C++.
Maximize the sum of selected numbers from an array to make it empty.
Define You:
- [x] LGM-SOC'21 Participant
- [ ] DevIncept Participant
- [x] Contributor
PROJECT TITLE : Brazil Fires Prediction
plz assign this project to me.
GOAL : To predict the numbe…
Hello, I am a LGM-SOC'21 Participant
I am a Newbie coder And a beginner to open source contributions, I learnt open source contributions recently so I would like to update this Readme file where I …
I would like to work on this issue. Please assign this to me under LGM SOC.
Title: Virtual Copy Paste
About: It's a GUIscript
Name: Akash Ramanand Rajak
Label: feature request
Assignee: ''
Define You:
- [x] LGM-SOC'21 Participant
- [ ] Contributor
I would like to work on this under LGM-SOC 21. I plan to add a sign-up and sign-in page for the user to keep track of their search history of any related data or add a "bookmark option" to mark anythi…
Hey LGM-SoC participants, good to see you.
Fake Currency Detection is a task of binary classification in machine learning. If we have enough data on real and fake banknotes, we can use that data to…
Title: Fidget Spinner
About: Its a game basically for fun using turtle and distutils.
Name: Neel Shah
Label: feature request
Assignee: ''
Define You:
- [x] LGM-SOC'21 Participant
- [ ] Con…