Is there any plans to support NFC in future releases? The project I am on might need it in the future, so I'm willing to contribute to the feature.
did it support ios 7 already?
Class de.brendamour.jpasskit.server.PKRestletServerResourceFactory contains constant path values for the certificates:
``` java
protected static final String APPLE_WWDRCA_CERT_PATH = "/Users/patr…
Ever since 1-1.52 (that was the latest stable version) I experienced sort of random Springboard crashes with Anemone. On the latest version I noticed that they might be related to Asphaleia locked fol…
I trying to run the passbook sample demo, and I don't have problems to generate the .pkpass file... but I can't open it in iOS 8.3...
A question... Have I to export the Private Key of iPhone Dev…
I'm getting the following error running mas.
dyld: Library not loaded: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/StoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/StoreFoundation
Referenced from: /usr/local/bin/mas
I am seeing objc_msgSend crash in `[PKPaymentAuthorizationControllerExportedObject authorizationDidFinishWithError:]` occurring on production.
Seems like the crash comes after successful `BTPayme…
I've recently implemented our notification service for Passbook and after much tinkering/headaches I believe I've found an issue with Pushsharp for this type of notification.
The issue being th…
Great project. Hitting a few snags with the jPasskit Server component, though. Do we have any documentation or suggestions for the following properties? I apologize in advance if the questions are too…
Crash log:
{"bug_type":"109","os_version":"iPhone OS 9.0.2 (13A452)","timestamp":"2015-12-31 00:32:34.34 +0200","build_version":"50","symbolicated":true,"blame":["\/Library\/MobileSubstrate\/DynamicL…