Hi Sergio,
I found a rather weird bug in the fmerge/join command:
Let's say I have a numeric ID ranging from 1 to X where X>100. In the _Master_ data, the ID is always 100. The fmerge/join wo…
cg89x updated
4 years ago
There are several more data sets that we might dig out/add to the package for general use/testing:
- _Culcita_/coral data set, gopher tortoise data set (from http://rpubs.com/bbolker/glmmchapter )
- B…
- Please familiarize yourself with the system. Feel free to let me know if you think they are improvements.
- Please go through Hadley Wickham's package development manual here (…
Yet another problem I've run into. On Windows computers, the stata kernel works and makes output for regressions and what have you, but plots don't display. There's only a large amount of white…
Stata syntax:
frame df {
gen z = SepalLength + SepalWidth
replace z = _n if _n 3.0
Intended Julia syntax
@douglas df begin
gen :z = :SepalLength .+ :SepalWidth
* What's *Etherpad*?
* '[This] URL has to be in quotes because it is full of strange characters.': technically, this particular URL works without quotes, at least in UNIX. However, I would also consi…
# Bug report
- Stata 16.1
- Windows Server
sysuse auto.dta
eststo m1: quietly reghdfe price turn, a(foreign)
estadd local extended_absvars = " a b c", replace
La issue #805 è stata chiusa con una risposta non pertinente, probabilmente non ero stato molto chiaro. Provo a riporre il quesito
Il quesito iniziale era:
Che codifica avranno in ambiente di eser…
(mainly parking idea and references and links)
Stata has suest command to provide inference for combining tw or more models
Wooldridge mentioned in a tweet that suest cannot be used for post-estim…
My partner and i, are students of the Asuncion Natinal University from Paraguay.
We are doing a reserch abaut de product space of our country, and we are working in our code with matlab. We ca…