Como hemos dicho en #104, es hora de actualizar todas nuestras impresoras a Marlin 1.1.9, la última versión estable.
He dejado los archivos de todas las impresoras menos Spicy ya actualizadas. Añadi…
Abro issue para comentar las mejoras que se le harán a esta máquina.
Problema detectado: los cables del hot-end se calientan, no mucho pero se hacen notar, a lo largo de todo el cable. Esto segur…
Export [firmware/extern/MT7601](https://github.com/asrob-uc3m/robotDevastation-robots/tree/6bfe26b456a0f03cb34ebccf6b6c2b9eae662844/firmware/extern/MT7601).
In https://github.com/roboticslab-uc3m …
Ya que estáis en proceso de montar una granja de impresoras, y nuestro router está empezando a fallar (yo por ejemplo soy incapaz de conectarme a él desde el portátil), propongo la compra de uno en co…
For the rd2 version with ardubot will be nice to have feedback about the state of the batteries. This version use lipo bateries for the motors and is dangerous to discharge below a certain voltage(the…
_From @jgvictores on June 15, 2018 19:53_
Issue to track documentation of Raspian guide. There is some info on the wiki, but this is newer: Raspbian Stretch Lite (on Raspi 3 B, for https://github.…
This implementation of `ICartesianControl::movv` is not keeping track of a reference during its execution, i.e. no control loop is closed as it is the case in `movl`:
We migrated from a C++ extension (.hpp) to C (.h) in https://github.com/roboticslab-uc3m/color-debug/issues/12. However, there are still several C++-style comments (`//foo`) scattered around which mig…
We moved on to container-based (`sudo: false`) builds on Travis as a result of https://github.com/roboticslab-uc3m/questions-and-answers/issues/48. The other alternative is virtualized builds (`sudo: …
From freshly recompiled CMake 3.5.2, YARP w/ opencv_grabber and asrob-uc3m/yarp-devices:
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo yarpdev --from /usr/local/share/robotDevastation-robots/contexts/launc…