I have followed the commands in [README.md](https://github.com/flatpak/flat-manager/blob/master/README.md), the flat-manager is installed.
When i "upload" the build application:
We are currently working with @zyga from Canonical to implement **snaps** into Manjaro properly. Would be good to have a graphical interface for it at some point.
We need a way to make the applications in FreeBSD accessible to helloSystem users who do not use the command line.
(Triggered by: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ol2IRmeH0qk&t=658s)
There is Oc…
I saw the latest FOSSASIA video update about the app the other day and thought I'll try and package the app as it might be something that I'm gonna use in the future.
This is pretty much untested a…
After adding RPM Fusion
# dnf update @core
has no effect.
# dnf4 group info core
Group: Core
Description: Smallest possible installation
Mandatory Packages:
I try to build Tilix with meson but during configure phase I get below error:
`data/meson.build:99:0: ERROR: Output file name must not contain a subdirectory.`
I am not sure what the issue is. A…
This is a tracking issue for elimination of `/usr/libexec` which will remain open until a lint is added in cbuild. New packages should be configured to use `/usr/lib` as its libexecdir; older packages…
**Actual behavior**
When building an image with skaffold, kaniko fails to push the image after it has built it. The build process goes fine but when the image has to be pushed to the registry, I get …
Please, consider supporting [Flatpak](https://flatpak.org) and publishing Chiaki on [Flathub](https://flathub.org).
Debian packaging is more important to me at the moment, and IIRC, it's pretty easy to do. I may try to tackle this one at some point unless you beat me to it.