I have a mesh (vertices, faces, and color), and I want to remove the disconnected patches. What should I set for the signal value per vertex?
- [x] sync, pull and merge master first!
- [x] Search for the correct citation on Semantic Scholar
- [x] Make a new branch ("You should alw…
Starting with this input from @Josephrp
Here is the version produced by mistral large:
Creating a purely symbo…
I think it would be great to add robust PCA.
The original algorithm is here http://statweb.stanford.edu/~candes/papers/RobustPCA.pdf
There is an implementation here: https://github.com/dfm/pcp by @dfm…
I want to run openMVG on rk3588, but I get a segmentation fault when RefineMesh
root@ok3588:/home/forlinx/MVS/openMVS_build/bin# ./RefineMesh /home/forlinx/MVS/openMVG_build/software/Sf…
I have tested all three (small, base, large) models with a reconstruction task with the code below (sorry for the messy code, it's just for quick testing) :)
import cv2
import numpy a…
I am trying to make the Kimera_vio on a mobile robot with Intel D435i. Everything works fine for me as far as mesh generation and 3d reconstruction with kimera_semantics is considered. However, I noti…
e.g. the query
SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?_PubMed_ID
?item wdt:P31 wd:Q13442814 ;
rdfs:label ?itemLabel .
OPTIONAL { ?item wdt:P698 ?_PubMed_ID. }
Submitting Author: Evan Kiefl (@ekiefl)
All current maintainers: (@ekiefl)
Package Name: pooltool
One-Line Description of Package: Pooltool is a general purpose billiards simulator crafted specif…
# Background
The user experience for Cubical Agda is subpar, and one of the biggest problems is that, even though interaction points _appear_ to have boundaries, there is a very limited set of circ…