I am trying to load a **COG** using **Google Maps JavaScript AP**I. I have tried this using **georaster-layer-for-leaflet** but due to google terms & conditions, I'd like to achieve this using Google …
### Model/Pipeline/Scheduler description
The [RB-Modulation algorithm](https://rb-modulation.github.io/) is **training-free** technique to produce image 2 image style and content transfer in diffusio…
As [seen](https://fonts.google.com/icons?icon.style=Filled&icon.set=Material+Icons&icon.query=rotate+90) in the documentation for material icons, this icon does not have a filled variant. The one for …
Google coding style [says](https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html#doc-function-returns) about the `Returns` section:
> It may also be omitted if the docstring starts with Returns or Yield…
See https://google.github.io/styleguide/htmlcssguide.html.
If I add line breaks in a google doc, the deserializer adds an extra paragraph for each break.
What it looks like in google doc (one paragraph between each line):
What it look…
**mapbox-gl-js version**: 3.6.0
**browser**: Google Chrome 128.0.6613.115
### Steps to Trigger Behavior
1. Load raster tile "https://wprd01.is.autonavi.com/appmaptile?x={x}&y={y}&z={z}&lang=…
I redesigned and updated Nokora to include a full set of 9 weights.
## What happened?
I have activated palantir java format:
This does not change th…
## Status
**[2024-08-05] [Fran]** In Ready because this has recently caused PROD issues.
## Description
Back when vets-website was split into two repositories (creating content-build), the CSS …