Hi! I'm having trouble with this question:
if __name__ == '__main__':
n = int(input())
This is my example code, it's failing to…
Issue created at [suggestion of @iHiD](https://github.com/exercism/v2-feedback/issues/1#issuecomment-323527024)
I very strongly dislike that you need mentor "approval" to move to the next problem.
Insti updated
6 years ago
Congrats. Finally see your code on github. Very nice.
I can't reopen #19, hence I create this issue to note some issues on your code.
- [ ] Java class naming is not matched with requirement. For…
If i don't change any values on any input fields form$invalid = false, but i have required fields so it should be true. It all starts working once i start typing on any field.
Is this expected behavi…
> I think that this goal is difficult to complete within a weeks sprint. I also, feel that there was a missing link between the first tutorial and the zoo; there are a lot of new concepts that we are …
#### Overview
- https://www.hackerrank.com/challenges/compare-the-triplets
#### Review
- Alice와 Bob의 포인트를 각각의 리스트에 할당한다
- Alice와 Bob의 스코어를 저장할 변수를 선언한다
- 리스트의 인덱스 순으로 Alice와 Bob의 포인트를 비교하여 그…
congr updated
7 years ago
We're going to make our own Contacts application! The application must perform two types of operations:
add name, where name is a string denot…
congr updated
7 years ago