Can we show the rendered Rmarkdown? (Can be rendered to HTML, markdown, pdf, ...)
This setting does untold damage IMO. I forever see students reproducing .Rmd files bamboozled by the green waiting bar as R evaluates inline and not in the console. I've long wanted to raise this issu…
- Make revision a link to the Git commit
Further suggestions welcome!
### Bug description
I'm redoing my website using a Quarto blog. When I have post set to eval: false with a SQL code chunk and an R code chunk, it looks fine. When I remove the R part, it changes fo…
using [RGraphicsDevice](http://www.omegahat.org/RGraphicsDevice/) we can define a device.
we could use this to record the primitive calls ourselves without the problems arising from e.g. using PDF (l…
### Bug description
I am using the project profiles to support multi-language documents (i.c. Dutch & French) by only showing the text for that language. This works nicely, but when trying to use the…
Below is the minimal reproducible example (`index.Rmd` file):
title: Figure cross-reference issue in HTML
documentclass: book
site: bookdown::bookdown_site
quarto_render() changes NA of numeric vectors to character ".na.real"
Similar to https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-r/issues/124(https://github.com/quarto-dev/quarto-r/issues/124)
explain setup and purpose of R_SWS_SHARE_PATH environment variable
$ grep -rl R_SWS_SHARE_PATH
This [vignette](https://docs.ropensci.org/frictionless/articles/data-package.html#manipulate) has a chunk to show that `check_package()` will return an (informative) error. The [code chuck](https://gi…