Thanks very much for this program. I've a strange problem: I used mikado transcripts and a close relative to annotate a genome, but unfortunately, I get multiple genes for the exact same locatio…
I am struggling a little with the FPKM output of Stringtie (StringTie v1.3.5). From my understanding which is supported by your response to issue #15 (https://github.com/gpertea/stringtie/issues…
bowtie2 use high sys %Cpu.
Doses bowtie2 use system call that will use a lot of cpu?
Tasks: 1537 total, 5 running, 1532 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 75.7 us, 22.…
### dev
- [x] insert records for J regia (42) and interpro for jregia (42) into analysis_organism
- [ ] Re-create J…
I'm trying to demultiplex the sequence results of a series of 10x experiments (both 3' and 5' chemistry). I started by using demuxlet (we have gwas data available for the samples), but also ran …
/data02/lanmeifang/smo04/annotation/gene/EVM1/gff/pasa1$ /home/lanmeifang/PASA/PASApipeline/scripts/Load_Current_Gene_Annotations.dbi -c alignAssembly.config -g curated.fasta.masked -P newevm.gff3
Dear @drisso,
I would like to generate genome-wide (e.g. on 10b-window) bedgraphs using the normalisation factor/linear equation calculated/fitted by RUVSeq.
Do I have to use W1, W2, etc and the o…
Discovered that GFF module supports writing out sequences with IDs that don't parse correctly on reading. If you submit a record to GFF for writing which has an ID which includes a space (e.g. `gi|564…
Hi guys,
I am trying to generate proper files in order to create a reference atlas from antibody staining of genes/TFs in the drosophila optical lobe.
In the paper I did not found any indication…
I have experienced GFF3 incompatibilities from some plant genomes:
Source for files ftp://ftp.solgenomics.net/genomes/Nicotiana_tomentosiformis/
python2 gag.py --fasta Ntom_ASAG01.fa --…