Please try the simple options below,
options: {
identifierNamesGenerator: 'mangled-shuffled',
reservedNames: ['.*'],
Obfuscator version used: 2.9.4
Stack trace
I just started to use clang-uml and maybe do not right.
I use simple .clang-uml:
compilation_database_dir: .
output_directory: diagrams
type: cl…
- [√] 我已经阅读了[文档](https://github.com/power721/alist-tvbox/blob/master/doc/README_zh.md)。
- [√ ] 我确定没有重复的issue或讨论。
- [√ ] 我确定是AList-TvBox的问题,而不是其他原因(例如网络,依赖或操作)。
- [√ …
Does anyone know how to prompt data generation? I would need specific sentence structures.
I tried to reconfigure the prompt itself, but it did not change the generated data sentence by sentence. Do…
max@DESKTOP-SSI3MPL:/mnt/c/Users/MAX/Salam$ pre-commit run --all-files
[WARNING] Unexpected key(s) present on https://github.com/adrienverge/yamllint => yamllint: env
[INFO] Installing environ…
# Summary
BF16 Softmax on EMR got 40% performance regression after V3.5 "enable scratchpad for non-f32 dst dt"
Below is the reproducing step, we can see that after commit ad99c73b3ee195e4d60384a6bf5…
Hi guys,
how about using the [preview middleware](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@sap-ux/preview-middleware) to get rid of the test glue code?
Using this config in the ui5*.yaml (further configur…
PR incoming, wanted to share my findings here and start discussion on how to improve wording.
When reading the installation docs, it's mentioning that the `shadcn.css` is installed. This is only d…
Hi, I have the next STI set up:
``` ruby
class User < ActiveRecord::Base; end
class Member < User; end
class Employee < User; end
=> "users"
Both Member and Emplo…
Hi Scott,
Thank you for SparkleXrm, it is an awesome tool.
We are currently looking forward to use earlyboundgenerator in our projects but we need Attribute Name Consts to be generated for each clas…