Everything else, interactive newsbeuter, even `newsbeuter -x print-unread`, works fine.
Here is the full `gdb` output of the backtrace:
$ gdb ./newsbeuter …
Unfortunately it left no logs!
brew install newsbeuter
==> Installing newsbeuter dependency: swig
==> Downloading http://sourceforge.net/projects/swig/files/swig/swig-2.0.9/swig-2.0.9.tar.gz
###### #…
ghost updated
11 years ago
I want to use different fonts for coding and reading.
It seems newsbeuter use the global font settings of the terminal. Is it possible to customize it in config file?
rnons updated
11 years ago
Hi all,
First, thanks for the awesome work, I've never been able to read RSS feeds so quickly!
I've been trying to ignore some of my feeds that contain images, to be able to browse them in Tiny Tiny…
When concaternating files, fresh makes a assumption that the file's basename is unique.
Therefore, when I use something similar to this:
fresh config/newsbeuter/config --file=~/.config/newsbeute…
stfl, curl, libxml2, json-c installed without a problem.
Newsbeuter not.
BTW: brew doctor says
% brew doctor
Your system is raring to brew.
When a feed comes with `­` newsbeuter renders a hyphen, which is not the intention of a soft-hyphen.
Because Google Reader's support is being dropped soon, I've been trying to get TinyTinyRSS working. I can access it online, but when I try and run newsbeuter it hangs after "Loading URLS from Tiny Tin…
This is great. Thanks for the work. (I was just about to do the same, but you saved me the effort.)
My only question: Why not submit it as an official formula?
When I want to bookmark an article, I use the key I have bound to the bookmark command, and according to the debug log, the order of the arguments for the command are as such:
cmd = bookmark.sh '…
tgray updated
11 years ago