💭 Introduction:
I included the following plugin in my project:
When editing with WYSIWYG, turns the YAML front matter, e.g.
title: Title title title
into an invalid one:
- - -
## title: Title title title
This makes it …
Currently the metadata of a content file must be provided in a sort of "front matter" style like Jekyll does (when embedded). This forces a foreign syntax into the content files themselves.
This fe…
So just a couple thoughts. I was wondering if tinyfilemanager supports disabling the direct link feature entirely? I don't rlly understand how the program works so not sure how feasible that wo…
I'm getting follow error while running build:
**No file or variants found for asset: packages/html_editor_enhanced/summernote.html.**
when ever it is working file on old flutter versions…
Hi all!
Love the project :)
Hit a fun snag when I was getting a recent blog up and going where if `embed-resources:true` is set in my `_quarto.yml`, shinylive just won't render!
Minimal repr:…
For the latest SXL release, we worked with the rts files in this repo. When committed they are automatically converted to html and published on GitHubPages.
But we still need to update the yaml an…
The following swagger document contains an error in a `$ref` property. It is missing a forward slash after the hash. Correct value should be `#/components/schemas/Item`
openapi: 3.0.3
I personally have added
`sh "subl #{filename}"`
to my Rakefile's new_post task so that sublime editor will pop open with the new post when I create one. It would be cool if there was an official way…