- Solaar version: 1.1.13-1 from arch extra/solaar (feature parity w/ *`master`* @ the time of the request filing)
- Distribution: Arch
- Kernel version: Linux 6.8.9-arch1-2 x86_64
### Q&A (please complete the following information)
- OS: n/a
- Browser: n/a
- Version: n/a
- Method of installation: online, npm
- Swagger-Editor version: "3.5.7/ge969b1b-dirty"
- Swa…
The following swagger document contains an error in a `$ref` property. It is missing a forward slash after the hash. Correct value should be `#/components/schemas/Item`
openapi: 3.0.3
It would be awesome if one could specify the jsonschema of a file via a modeline. I have a lot of schemata for JSON and YAML fles
the YAML extension supports this via:
`# yaml-language-server: $sc…
For the latest SXL release, we worked with the rts files in this repo. When committed they are automatically converted to html and published on GitHubPages.
But we still need to update the yaml an…
Hi all!
Love the project :)
Hit a fun snag when I was getting a recent blog up and going where if `embed-resources:true` is set in my `_quarto.yml`, shinylive just won't render!
Minimal repr:…
Rather than using TOSCA code snippets in the examples, a recommendation was made to use *complete* TOSCA code that can be validated by a TOSCA parser.
Great Tools, but would love to be able to paste or create a Helm Deployment YAML and get the same results as a *nix type Deployment
When I use dependencies and import remapping within an Ape project, I get "File not found" errors reported in my import statements.
As per the [Ape dependencies docs](https://docs.apeworx.io/ape/st…