## Describe the bug (🐛 if you encounter this issue)
After upgrading RKE2 control nodes from v1.22.8+rke2r1 to v1.25.9+rke2r1 agent nodes cannot be drained and get stuck with
Cannot evict pod as it…
Hi team,
Reference behind text: "Infineon OPTIGA™ TPM SLB 9670" to device catalog is outdated.
Points to the new device catalog.
Content should be rephrased eventually according to the above.
### Describe the bug
Customer reported :
"az iot hub device-identity import -n {iothub_name} --ibcu {input_sas_uri} --obcu {output_sas_uri}" is invalid now.
I can reproduce his error with all fine …
## Expected Behavior
edgeAgent hangs after a networking issue
## Current Behavior
edgeAgent hangs after a networking issue and cannot recover when the network is back. Restarting edgeAgent module…
### CircuitPython version
Adafruit CircuitPython 9.0.3 on 2024-04-04; Raspberry Pi Pico W with rp2040
Board ID:raspberry_pi_pico_w
### Code/REPL
import os
import time
This question is related to this [MS Learn Q&A question](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/1527755/iot-hub-scaling-up-from-s1-to-s3).
When an IoT Hub moves over from an …
## Expected Behavior
I am using the LoRaNetworkSrvModule (LNS) from the [iotedge-lorawan-starterkit](https://github.com/Azure/iotedge-lorawan-starterkit/) project.
When the LNS receives payloads fro…
**Describe the Problem**
Hi Team,
I followed [this](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-edge/how-to-provision-single-device-linux-on-windows-x509?view=iotedge-2020-11&tabs=azure-portal%2Cpowe…
## Expected Behavior
Modules should run without logging repeated errors in the edgeHub logs after upgrading from Ubuntu 18.04 to Ubuntu 22.04
## Current Behavior
We are testing upgrading produc…
## Expected Behavior
k3s environment with Kubevirt and CDI.
Perfectly works with Ubuntu 20.04 as OS for the VM. Kubevirt VM boots and I can ssh into it.
I expect it to work with Ubuntu Core as OS…