### Initiative (Required)
Hacktoberfest 2024 🎃
### Additional Info
I have added a new problem titled "Flip Equivalent Binary Trees" along with its solution. The problem involves finding binary tre…
This is a meta-issue that I’ll use to track my progress in creating a toolkit for faster kernel reduction. This is to help me organize the work, but also to provide more visibility to interested membe…
# 学习总结
## 概念
### Hash table
哈希表(Hash table),也叫散列表,是根据关键码值(key value)而直接进行访问的数据结构。
### 二叉搜索树 Binary Search Tree
1. 左子树上所有节点的值均小于它的根节点的值;
2. 右子树上所有结点的值均大于它的根节点的值;
3. 以此类推:左、…
### Have you checked for existing feature requests?
- [X] Completed
## Modifications
Originally, this was to bump Electron to 13. But considering the effort it took and that it almost worked ou…
- Category
- [ ] fzf binary
- [ ] fzf-tmux script
- [ ] Key bindings
- [x] Completion
- [ ] Vim
- [ ] Neovim
- [ ] Etc.
- OS
- [x] Linux
- [ ] Mac OS X
### Steps to reproduce
Link to live example: (required)
1. be sure to run in a wide space, wi…
Implement in Python the *binary search algorithm* – i.e. the recursive function `def binary_search(item, ordered_list, start, end)`. It takes an item to search (i.e. `item`), an ordered list and a sta…
这周学习了hash table / binary tree / recursion的内容并练习了相关题目,对于我来说 有关二叉树的题目还需要多写几遍让自己更熟练点。有关recursion的内容让我受益匪浅,数学归纳法的思维确实非常有用,之前我大都是使用列举出好多种情况的方法来思考recursion,现在换种思路 也想的更通畅了:)
- Recursion or st…
chxii updated
4 years ago
1. 注重预习 - 基础知识自己预习和查看
2. 课堂互动 - 跟着我一起思考和回答问题
3. 课后作业 - 按照切题方法
- 职业顶尖级别 - 对于算法数据结构的理解
- 一线互联网公司面试
- Leetcode 300+ 的积累量
zyong updated
4 years ago
Copyright (C) 2022 Hongkai Ye (kyle_yeh@163.com)
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
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