As a result of gathering A/OPC reporting access information, add the following into the agency list:
- [x] U.S. Agency for International Development
- [x] National Credit Union Administration
- [x] B…
Path: merchants/merchant-overview
File name:
Design: [Merchants](https://www.figma.com/file/bgNCEcglYMCDtEEBys04cx/SmartPay?type=design&node-id=1374%3A38473&t=NB2CPqpZgPZBO4xz-1)
Template: [Sidebar T…
As an A/OPC, if I am authorized, I want to access reporting information, so I can retrieve a training report.
**Acceptance criteria:**
- [ ] If an A/OPC is authorized to access reporting informatio…
# Summary
- **Application Name**: Utah Communities Connect Wifi Locations
- **Application Urls**
- Staging:
- Production: https://utah.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=e463b…
As a user, I need to understand how the system will use and store data and to be notified to only use business email addresses.
**Acceptance Criteria:**
- [ ] Update the banner every time emails are …
Path: smartpay.gsa.gov/
File name:
Design: [Home](https://www.figma.com/file/bgNCEcglYMCDtEEBys04cx/SmartPay?type=design&node-id=1374%3A37664&t=NB2CPqpZgPZBO4xz-1)
Template: [Homepage Template](https…
As a user, when I click on images on the homepage, I would like them to link to content.
Path: about/about-gsa-smartpay
File name: about-gsa-smartpay.md
Design: [About > About](https://www.figma.com/file/bgNCEcglYMCDtEEBys04cx/SmartPay?type=design&node-id=1374%3A35584&t=NB2CPqpZgPZBO4xz-1…
## Background
Add a tab titled "Knowledge base" to our [](https://cloud.gov/pages/) home page. Create an index page which will house all the links to Pages knowledge base articles a la [](https://clo…
**Descrição do dataset**
1. A base já está na [tabela de prioridades](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jnmmG4V6Ugh_-lhVSMIVu_EaL05y1dX9Y0YW8G8e_Wo/edit?usp=sharing)? Sim
2. Qual o nom…