The hallmark of a traditional map is dense labeling, so a transportation map is characterized by dense road name labeling. Even though this map supports interactive zooming, making it technically unne…
### 🎮 feature Request
You have not labelled the issue for the GSSoC 24, according to which any contribution will not be counted as for the scoreboard
### Point down the features
Labels like
eg Erzbischof should be searchable
Thank you for improving your source code, but I would like to ask why the labeled image data is added to the model training in the code, since the labeled image data is not used in the paper
### Expected behavior
As such a short word, it's not expected to see "Co-op" broken into two lines, especially with the weak vowel in the second unstressed syllable. I think it should be kept as one …
Looking at:
it occurs to me that ther…
When gathering GPU metrics for October 17th we got a 422 response.
Retrieving metric: kube_pod_resource_request{resource=~"nvidia.com.*"} * on(node) group_left(label_nvidia_com_gpu_product, label_…
Found an issue with labels as the label can have a long decimal places, I have added tofixed value in labels
let $label = $('').addClass('simpleGauge_label').text(val.toFixed(this.options.labels.to…
It appears that the documents are categorized by the whether they are relevant to a given claim or not, rather than indicating whether the document supports a claim or not. I am sure how this is misin…