Hello tried some basic scripting without luck and expertise so I hope you might have thoughts?
I'm hit with the following when trying to **enable the addon in blender**:
I then attempted the…
I have severe quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy and just stumbled upon this great idea. Unfortunately I am unable to do most of the facial expressions currently supported.
Are there any plans to allow cr…
作者好,看过您的众多项目和blog,佩服佩服, 本人很菜但又爱玩 。 有个想法 请帮忙提供一点思路。 现在是摄像头作为输入源 ,通过mediapipe 得到的 skeleton骨架数据。 然后用数据驱动live2d or vrm (说的没错吧)。
if true
能不能把功能模块分离开来 , 骨架作为 中间件 ,视频源(摄像头 ,视频文件) --》 骨架 ,导入 骨架 …
Do the tensorflow face landmarks detection and Iris landmarks models work on Infrared/grayscal image/video? I have a camera which captures Infrared streams, can I run this model over the inf…
Google の TensorFlow.js と MediaPipe のチームから話を聞き、2023 年のウェブ ML に関する最新情報について学んで生産…
### Have I written custom code (as opposed to using a stock example script provided in MediaPipe)
### OS Platform and Distribution
Windows 7
### Mobile device if the issue happens on mobile d…
@MichaelJBlack @radekd91 @TimoBolkart Can you please weigh in on this issue with eye alignment in DECA that has made its way into EMOCA?
1) Would you please explain how you find the roll pitch and yaw using those x,y coordinate of the facial points? what is the formula/equation?
2) To find which access you use mouth outer co…
Running the following training steps in the Google Colab example:
!python launch.py --config configs/prolificdreamer.yaml --train --gpu 0 system.prompt_processor.prompt="$prompt"
!python laun…