I have one single body json pose - i want to visualize it
how can i do this?
(comfyui) ➜ sapiens git:(main) ✗ python lite/demo/vis_pose.py --input='/home/oem/Desktop/image_…
I am trying to install openpose_ros but I get this error when running catkin_make.
Ubuntu 16.04
CUDA 8.0
Opencv 3.2.0
PCL 1.8
Base path: /home/lorenzo/catkin_ws
Source space: /hom…
## Environment
* OS Version: Ubuntu 20.04
* Source or binary build? binary build
* If this is a GUI or sensor rendering bug, describe your GPU and rendering system.
- Rendering plugin: ogre
The speed of work does not correspond to the declared one, or I am doing something wrong.
GPU - 2080TI
Help with this pls.
I've found critical bug with generate_hdf5.
the idea is the following: in case of several persons genLMDB puts one picture for each person, and augmentation centers and resize picture on him. Gener…
I'm asking this question because I want to calculate the vector of the palm from the wrist(root).
I guess it's the orientation of the root keypoint. Is that right?
If so, what is the reference of …
I'm training a a derk pose model using my own dataset. After preper all the config files, add a new class dataset I start the training process but after a few epochs, in evaluate i got this…
Add tracking points to a detected person's body if they fill a decent amount of the frame, and join them into a skeleton
Since `low_memory.yaml` cannot improve the accuracy of the camera poses a lot for my dataset(1764 images in a café), I am trying to use featuremetric strategy for large scale images. However, even if …
# Barracuda PoseNet Tutorial 2nd Edition Pt. 7 | Christian Mills
This post covers how to create pose skeletons and manipulate them using output from the model.